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I have some good news on IPv4 addresses to share. We have received the concrete new pricing for our subnet. For those who don't recall, our ISP wrote at the end of 2012 that the prices for IPv4 addresses and subnets will get more expensive, due to the scarcity of these.
However, the price change isn't as heavy as I thought. Instead of 22,50 
€ per month for our /27 subnet, we will pay 32 € in the future, 
beginning with May 1st.
So, the good news is that there is no demand to remove existing 
addresses from VMs, which I had anticipated before.
However, IPv6 is clearly the future, and so our new infra which is 
currently in development will fully support IPv6, and for new testing 
machines, we still consider offering only IPv6. Best is to get to know 
to IPv6, and if your ISP doesn't provide such connectivity, try a 
tunnel, like or (the latter one has 
an easy to use client for all platforms and setups).

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