I've noticed there was some talk among the moderators about whether to allow
the above post through.
I do apologize, I should have kept my amusement to myself. After all, for
the people who came here to find answers to their questions it was no
laughing matter.
Possibly what caused the "crossed wires" in this thread was the
unfamiliarity of the second poster with this odd mailinglist/forum hybrid
called Nabble.
have remarked that LibreOffice should have a regular forum where users can
go to ask for assistance.
This Nabble was very hard to find for me, at the time I did not see it
advertised prominently on any TDF / LibO web page. Now, I did know already
about the two widely-trafficked OpenOffice volunteer forums, especially
In the long run, however, it would be better either for LibO/TDF to set up
their own forum (not a Nabble which poses extra difficulty) or to discuss
with the management of the two premier OOo user forums a rebranding to give
LibO equal billing.
Mailing lists are not convenient or agreeable to the general public. People
want a forum that works the way they are used to: not a Google user group,
or two discussion pages on sourceforge.net, or a Nabble. This need not mean
that mailing lists get shut down. Scribus, for example, is keeping its
mailing lists but recently set up a http://forums.scribus.net/index.php
dedicated forum as well.
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- Re: [libreoffice-users] I am downloading LibreOffice to try it out. (continued)
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