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Hi :)
Quick!  Re-licence the legacy fonts under Creative Coomons copyleft to prevent some other company 
being far less honest than you are being.  I take it a company could easily and safely copyright 
those fonts and then charge people for using them?  Some companies put quite a lot of effort into 
profiting off other people's work in this way.  
Regards from
Tom :)  

--- On Thu, 7/6/12, Andy Theuninck <> wrote:

From: Andy Theuninck <>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Font Problems on OS X
Date: Thursday, 7 June, 2012, 15:19

Is there any advantage to using Type-1 fonts over the other two formats,
with OSX?

It there a way to replace the "problem" Type-1 fonts with TTF or OTF, or use
a 99.9% similar font as a replacement font?
There's no advantage. The main catch is the company I licensed the
fonts from no longer exist, and my license agreement doesn't permit
converting them. Obviously the odds of getting sued are pretty much
zero, but in principle I try to abide by agreements.

I can use NeoOffice for anything that needs that font; it's just kind
of a pain since LO is a better program otherwise.

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