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On Tue, 2011-03-08 at 20:18 +0300, Sophie Gautier wrote:
Hi Drew, all,
Off Topic as this is the marketing list.

Quality Assurance:

So is there anyone in the US actually helping with this?
I'm not sure, this is why I asked for it on the projects list. However,
I'm currently manually testing it before testing the FR version. It's
pretty current also that we check the en-US version when we find a bug
in a localized version.
yes - it is very good.

Without regard for language even, IMO it is rather important that this
group of people running this, dull routine, is bolstered, whenever
possible - the more the better for testing.
+1 :)
SO - again to this list - a 3.3.2 (binary for testing) is right around
the corner - if anyone is interested in helping look over the list of
simple manual tests and if you are willing to run some, all, of them
speak up on the projects list[1] for sure.

I strongly encourage anyone that has not been active with a FOSS project
before, and wants to help, to consider this as a _very_ good way to
start, this QA type work.
[1] you can subscribe to that list with an email to:

A quick, and likely final, follow up on this thread.

First - Someone raised their hand over on the projects list:
Lyle Chochran - Thank You.  Seeing that you are in Ohio, if by chance
you make it to this years Ohio Linux Fest I would really like to shake
your hand and say that in person.

So - last note here, in the last day or so Sophie and Rainer (QA) have
mentioned the need for more help confirming open issues in the Bug
Tracking system.

Sophie has talked about having a 2 day workshop via IRC in order to help
folks get started with that.

That thread can be found on the discuss at lbio mailing list (???) not

So - again I encourage others to find that mail thread and take the

Best wishes,


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