On 01/17/2011 07:24 PM, NoOp wrote:
On 01/17/2011 05:38 PM, NoOp wrote:
On 01/17/2011 12:59 PM, NoOp wrote:
Thanks! I've been travelling, but I'm back now and will try to test
later this evening on WinXP.
OK. Briefly tested and here is what I've found so far:
1. LO & OOo need to be uninstalled completely and then reinstalled. In
this test I installed OOo 3.2.1 back, checked to see that .odt files
were associated properly. I then installed your version of LO & now when
I right-click an .odt I do get the option to open in MS Word (Sun ODF
plugin), OOo, or LO.
2. The program files still use soffice.exe etc. This IMO is still a
problem. For example; if I do Start|Run|soffice LO still takes over.
'soffice' et al should be, and must be, allocated to OOo _not_ LO. LO
should have it's own executable's as pointed out in the OP so that there
is no confusion between OOo and LO on both the part of the user and/or
OS registry entries.
I'll be happy to do more tests if you'll let me know additional items
you'd like me to test (and how). Please note that I generally use linux,
so all of my testing is in a WinXP virtual environment, or a dual-boot Win7
Added point: when searching the Win Registry for 'libre' I find (hand
typed so some mistakes may be there):
My Computer/HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-..long
and the 'data' bit is:
C\"Program Files\Libreoffice 3\program\libowriter.exe
there is no such file on the system.
And of course under My Computer/HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-..long
numbers\Software\LibreOffice\LibreOffice 3.3\Start Menu I find
soffice.exe, sbase.exe, etc., etc.
Jesús, your patches apparently didn't make it in RC4. Just installed RC4
on WinXP and the actions are the same as RC3.
- Re: [Libreoffice] Change executable/sh names (continued)
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