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Thank you for this information and advice.
From: slacka<>
Sent: ‎04/‎12/‎2016 23:45
Subject: RE: Build Problem with Lode

Jason Marshall wrote
From your experience, is it best to disable anti-virus entirely during the
build, or should it be configured to ignore certain programs associated
with the build?
As you can see from the build notes
ever different anti-virus programs have different false positives. If you
want to take the time to review the log and manually whitelist each
quarantined file, you can keep your anti-virus software enabled. Disabling
it is the universal solution with the added bonus of speeding up build

Jason Marshall wrote
Would the build still proceed if I disconnected my internet connection? I
ask because if I need to disable anti-virus, I would prefer to also
disable my internet connection for that period.
I've lost Internet in the middle of builds and still had them succeed.

I've browsed the Internet for years without AV software, and never once been
infected by malware. Then again, my main user account has lacked admin
privileges since my win2K days. I'm fanatical about keeping my OS/Browser
fully updated and have had flash set to only click-to-play and use the
NoScript extension to only allow JS from whitelisted sites since those
options have existed.

No AV software is 100% effective. They do not cover every virus signature
and cannot detect all new threats. I worked in IT for a large corporation.
During that time we were hit several times by 0-day infections that got to
our users before their signature had made it into our vendor’s DB. So if
you're browsing sketchy sites with outdated software and relying 100% on
your AV software to protect you, you're asking for trouble.

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