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On Tue, 2010-09-28 at 15:05 +0100, Michael Meeks wrote:
Present:      Thorsten, Caolan, Rene, Michael
Invited:      Petr, Fridrich

* release plan / branching
      + decided to continue merging patches until 30th October
              + no large / risky / de-stabilising (new) feature work
              + merge existing patches and CWS' from everyone
                      + ie. merging existing, tested, distributed features ok
              + merge cleanups, and bug fixes too
Just to update on how things look from my side to date, and to mention
email #1 if people subscribed after it was sent. Things are flying along
at the moment, and it's looking reasonable good. I've started merging in
all of our currently unapplied Fedora/RHEL bug-fixes and there's a lot
of other activity from everyone else wrt. new cleanups, comment
translations and porting/committing outstanding legacy features into the
git tree.

I don't think anyone should panic about the flurry of activity, and if
there's any concerns that anything might fit the criteria of "no large /
risky / de-stabilising (new) feature work" we have scheduled time to
sort it out, or disable it in time before final release.

For my own side, after I've got our trivial stuff in and start on the
extra stuff we've got that can be classified as "merging existing,
tested, distributed features" which weren't in the previous old-style
project, then I'll mention in brief here what they are to avoid
surprises, i.e. its not my intent to ram these down anyone throats, and
if there's push back on any of them I'm happy enough to work through any
concerns about them.

There's a body of existing stable already-distributed work from
different Distros and groups that has been pent up so I'm sure anyone
else contributing would be happy to explain the background to any
specific features anyone else here might be concerned with.



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