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Le 28/07/11 01:14, Giovanni Romero Pérez a écrit :

Hi Giovanni,

Then I created a database in Base and did the settings to connect to the
database using the ODBC source. The connection is OK, but when I try to
Access to a table or run a query, Base throws this message:

No se pudieron cargar los contenidos de los datos.
Fetch type out of range

And I can not see the results.
From what I remember of other people's attempts to connect using ODBC,
this is currently not working with LibreOffice (or even
for that matter).

I thought about using JDBC, as I have read that allows you to connect more
easily. The problem is that I don't find documentation to configuring
Firebird JDBC connector (called Jaybird and available at
You have to first declare the JDBC JAR within LibreOffice so that it
knows where to look to find it.

1) Menu Tools - Options - LibreOffice - Java

wait for it to detect your Java installation(s), select the one that you
want as required (if you have a choice).

2) Click on the button "Classpath", then on the button "Add archive".

3) Navigate using the file picker dialog to where your JAR file is
located, select it, then click on OK. It should then appear in the list
of added java archives.

4) Click on OK to quit the Java configuration dialog.

5) Shut down LibreOffice, including any quickstarter (icon in the tray
at the bottom right of your screen)

6) Restart LibreOffice

7) Click on File - New - Database

8) Choose "Connect to an existing Database" and select "JDBC" from the
driver selection list.

9) In the JDBC setup fields :

Datasource URL :

JDBC driver class : org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver

Note that these last two parameters I obtained from this page :

I don't actually have a firebird server running to be able to test.


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