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On Sat, Mar 26, 2011 at 9:55 AM, Jonathan Aquilina
<> wrote:


Although MS stopped free support for MS Office 2003 some time ago, its
use is still widespread. It would be a mistake for LibO to support the
ill-defined, shifting OOXML and deprecate MS 2003 support.


Carl is it safe to say we could easily depreciate anything prior to 2003,
but keep support for 2003 2007 and 2010?

I'm not competent to address this. I encounter quite a number of
people and businesses that use MS 2003, but older than that...I don't

Adding an additional point here...currently LibO more closely
resembles MS 2003 than 2007 with its ribbon menu doodad. Just last
Thursday, I met with the head of a department who had just started
using 2007. She didn't like it and was considering the possibility of
taking the entire department back to a 2003 standard. LibO wasn't the
thrust of the meeting, but she was quite interested in using it
instead of MS anything.


On Sat, Mar 26, 2011 at 16:36, Peter Jentsch<>  wrote:


I'm currently investigating a bug with the Excel 2003 import filter
( Looking closer at
the filter and how much work needed to be done to improve it, and
considering the fact that Office 2003 ML has been superseeded by OOXML,
fixing that bug feels like flogging a dead horse.

I'd rather suggest to drop Office 2003 support in LibO altogether and
instead focus on improving OOXML and HTML import/export.

For anybody with a large library of Office 2003 XML documents not
to upgrade to MS Office 2007/2010, Microsoft offers a compatibility pack
that allows to open and save OOXML from MS Office 2003.

What do you think?


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