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Unfortunately, the bar was not included in the LO5 version. I think it is a developer mistake.
Blessings, Joe

On 08/21/2015 07:32 PM, Ping-Wu Zhang wrote:
I am not seeing the "import graphic" bar.  (LibreOffice in Ubuntu)

On Sun, Aug 9, 2015 at 9:37 AM, Joe Conner < <>> wrote:
    Thank all of you for your help. I did solve my problem with help
    from users.
    The pathway is **a *Format - Page - Area**- Then change the Fill
    Bar to Bitmap* - this opens a whole new panel of selections, which
    includes an *Import Graphic* bar. Clicking it allowed for
    navigation to the .jepg I needed for the watermark. I did not need
    to change the transparency, I just wanted the background image (it
    was a form with fill-in lines but was not a .pdf or word processor

    This pathway is not at all intuitive. Perhaps someone who knows
    how to modify the help files (mine are downloaded and installed)
    to reflect this pathway.

    Better yet, why not have *WATERMARK* as one of the choices of the
    *Insert* drop down menu. I think that would make it intuitive.

    Blessings, Joe Conner, Poulsbo, WA USA

    On 08/09/2015 05:53 AM, elderdanlewis wrote:

            As I asked Joe, what type of watermark do you want? Do you
        know how to add a graphic to the gallery? ( Assuming your
        watermark is a graphic)
            You begin with Format > Page. Click the Area tab . Select
        type of watermark from the Fill drop down list. Select the
        Transparency tab. Set the amount of transparency. Close the
            The Fill drop down list is likely to be a problem because
        of the underlying choices that are possible. Custom colors can
        be created and used. Gradients can be created and used. Hash
        patterns likewise. Graphics can be added to the gallery and
        then used. ( This is done differently from how it use to be
        done. )


        -------- Original message --------
        From: Tim Lloyd < <>>
        Date:08/09/2015  3:11 AM  (GMT-05:00)
        Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Watermarks

        I have to say I am beaten by this. I had a look at some old
        doco which
        echoed what Joe said. Any takers?

        On 09/08/15 05:31, Joe Conner wrote:

            Using Ubuntu 15.04 64bit
            Using Version:
            I am trying to insert a watermark into a writer document.
            The help files says:


                Choose *Format - Page*.


                On the *Background* tab page, select a background
            color or a
                background graphic.

            However, there is NO background tab  on *Format - Page***.
            happened? To where
            was it moved?

            Now, how do you create a watermark?

            Thank you. Joe Conner, Poulsbo, WA USA

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