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I 2nd unit testing. I use it a lot when doing programming in Java. I agree its a great way to test out ones logic before working with the code.
Michael I think in this regard though things will be harder as a lot of 
code has already been implemented. If one isn't familiar with the 
already implemented code its going to be quite hard to test certain 
aspects as you have mentioned below.
On 01/17/2011 01:23 PM, Michael Meeks wrote:
On Mon, 2011-01-17 at 11:51 +0000, Caolán McNamara wrote:
On another note, is there an automated test suite?  If so, I'd love to
know how to kick it off after I make changes.

a) we have some build-time cppunit tests that run always during the
build, e.g. building sc will automatically build and run the sc unit
test which is an expanding work in progress.
        And - indeed, we would love to convert more people to the cult of unit
testing - Kohei started, and appears to have become quite addicted. The
code for calc is in sc/qa/unit/ - and it would be wonderful to have some
love there: there is a lot to test (as you can see).

        Personally, I would love to see some nice unit tests for eg. for calc's
number formatting logic: to check corner cases of what we display for
various numbers. Similarly things like undo/redo could use a
comprehensive thrashing - with some kind of random torture test on a
document: performing tens of random insert / delete / overwrite /
remove / add rows etc. - and then undoing it all, and verifying that we
did indeed end up back where we started - might be nice :-)

        A great way to learn the code, and (I hope) quite fun, and will protect
us from problems for many years.

        Thanks !



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