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On Fri, 2012-01-13 at 12:58 +0100, Alex Thurgood wrote:
Le 13/01/2012 06:15, Marni Wilson a écrit :

Hi Marni,

I am new to LibreOffice, and downloaded it initially for Base.  The main purpose for my 
database search is to create a music library, with details such as vocal parts, church season, 
instruments, etc.  Some of these would be best suited as a multiple select option in the form, 
but I seem to be having difficulty creating that.  Am I missing something?  This is my third 
attempt to find a database program that will give me this it possible in Base?

Try looking here :

Basically, from what I understand of the above threads, if you want to 
bind the multiple values selected to a database field, then this is not 
possible with the current multiple selection control property.

A multiple selection is only available for a free standing form control 
list, i.e. one in which the data is presented or displayed in a Writer 
form or Calc sheet, but can not be bound to a database field, unless you 
store the values individually in a corresponding table (n-m 
relationship). Alternatively, it is also apparently possible to do this 
using a macro to write the data from the multiple selection into 
corresponding fields in a bound table.

As far as I know, Base does not currently support writing to ENUM or SET 
data types, and most likely the control properties do not provide for 
that within the current UNO API (although I haven't checked).

     As another poster, I would like to know: What the form is suppose
to look like. What tables, queries of views will be used? What is meant
by multiple selections? Designing the parts of a DBMS requires knowing
the details.


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