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Hi Wol, *,

Wols Lists schrieb:

On 10/12/10 21:18, Friedrich Strohmaier wrote:
[.. who misses useless UI features ..]

Again: see above. ("You told me to click the exclamation mark -
where should I click now?").
Unfortunately, this then plays havoc with the next bunch of users -
who have at least partially learnt how to use the interface. One
thing the normal user (one step above the "blindly follow the cheat
sheet" monkey) values, is a *consistent* interface.
Totally agreed! Even the "BFTCS" monkey won't bother. A reasonably share
of them become so for reason of missing that. ;o))

And I know there's no such thing as "intuitive", but I still compare
Word and WordPerfect ... I moved to WordPerfect from my previous word
processors from choice, I didn't have to learn WordPerfect, it was
just "obvious".
I can confirm. Even never meeting WordPerfect, but I sadly miss the UI
from Lotus Smartsuite. Infobox, Approach - my first method sorting
textfiles was generating Approach database tables exporting them

I *still* (despite using it for many years) don't
know how to use Word properly.
Even worse: I don't with - bad world. :o))

And therefore I settled my horse fighting the battle of the brave to get
back, what I left some 8 Years ago: a consistent and even more
*intuitive* Interface! itself tougth me: Accidently decisions by software
developers stumbling over and fixing their favorite UI annoyances does
not bear this.

There have to be a plan to bring all the knowledge about that to a
point, where this will grow from. This list definitly isn't that point.

LibreOffice and more on CD/DVD images
(german version already started)


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