Le 2011-10-07 07:43, Aleksandar a écrit :
Hi Andrew,all,
I didn't have so much time last week but I will give my best to
upload psd files in the next few days. Andrew, I created "flat
images" and these are ready for print(standard size and resolution).
I will also try to upload these files to my wiki page.
Thanks for all support so far and if you have any question please
feel free to send me an email.
2011/10/1 Andrew Pullins<android2772@gmail.com>
Thanks for all of these great graphics. They are wonderful!
I was just wondering about the "The Document Foundation" subline. Are we
still going by the rule that:
* only TDF approved sites are allowed to use the subline "The Document
* Sites that have not been approved are encouraged to use the graphics
but without the TDF subline.
I thought that this was the general rule for banners, logos etc. I was
away for a little while but maybe this has changed.
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- Re: [libreoffice-design] New web banners. Feedback? (continued)
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