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On 11/11/2016 22:08, Eike Rathke wrote:
Hi Julien,

On Friday, 2016-11-11 06:30:05 +0100, Julien Nabet wrote:

and when closing Calc:
ConfigManager not empty
Ah, when you *exit* the entire *application* ... yes, I see that too.

That one instance of SvtSysLocaleOptions_Impl likely is due to the
static SvtSysLocaleOptions_Impl* SvtSysLocaleOptions::pOptions in

It probably helps to change that to an rtl::Static, or maybe more
appropriate use a std::weak_ptr like it is done for SvtSysLocale_Impl in
unotools/source/misc/syslocale.cxx and use tdf#89329 to commit.
Sorry you're right, I should have said "exit the entire application" instead of closing Calc.
Anyway, thank you Eike for the guidance!
I submitted a patch here:



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