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On 11/25/2011 01:19 PM, Greg wrote:
I don't want to rain on your parade but (as a UX practitioner of 20 yrs),
surveys are almost the least effective means to validate a UI design,
especially if UI behaviour is included in the investigation. A dozen face to
face interviews supported by static or even active prototypes, conducted with
a variety of users would yield much more useful and reliable results.

If you want to pat yourself on the back and tell everyone that 9 out of 10
users prefer the new LibreButtonOMatic, then a survey will give you that but
whether 9 out of 10 users actually do will be unrelated to that statistic.

Surely the UXers in the team know people who use these type of products (in
fact a sprinkling of users of competitive products would add value). I'd be
happy to work with other UXers to plan the investigation  and conduct a couple
of structured interviews.


The problem for us is how to get any user input. The problem we have is logistical, how are the interviews conducted.
Completely agree :)


---- On Fri, 25 Nov 2011 09:38:22 +0100 Charles-H. Schulz
<> wrote ----

A survey would be a great idea; in fact, it would help with asking
ourselves the right question for the spec; in short, it would be a real
work of User Experience.

Even better news: I think Christoph Noack and Bjoern Balazs know just
how to set up such a survey, but I might be perhaps too optimistic :-)



On 25/11/2011 00:00, Kévin PEIGNOT wrote:
> Maybe we could publish a survey asking, for each part of Citrus UI
> (explained in a few word) what people think about it ? As we did with
our> first survey ?
> On each page a part of the survey, with a brief summary and if
possible a> mockup. And why not at the end asking a "global
impression" note. It's not> spec, but it permit to know what people
think of the globals ideas ?>
> Kévin
> 2011/11/24 Andrew Pullins<>
>> Charles, Kevin, every one,
>>> Citrus looks good. But as we explained, if there's no one
wrting>>> specicications for eaxh part of citrus nothing will
get done.>>>
>> ok yes we do need to start on some specifications so that we can
get>> started, but we have not talked about it all that much. first
we need>> to decide on what we all agree on and change what we do
not. if we get more>> people to agree with some things I would
start some specifications, but I>> still don't know exactly what is
needed to write one. could someone write a>> templet on what needs
to be written. that would really help. till then>> there are still
some people that have not said what they do not like about>>
Citrus. if you wait any longer we'er going to have to just go with Citrus.
>> It looks like we need to blog so that people don't get their hopes
up. :-/>>
>> all the more reason to get this started NOW. and before you guys
say it ONE>> MORE TIME. I know that we can not get this done in one
shot, and that we>> need to do this ONE STEP AT A TIME. but now
that we have some press on this>> and people know that we are
working on this we NEED to get things rolling.>>
>> Andrew
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