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I have only used the LO Scaling feature to increase (on high resolution
monitors) or decrease (on low resolution monitors) the font size for the
menus.  I then use the View > Zoom feature for the main worksheet or text
document.  Otherwise the existing defaults were always readable.

On Sun, Jun 12, 2016 at 11:32 AM, Edwar Cifuentes <>

Hi Bruce.
Mint 17.3 comes with Libreoffice 5. I've also got an Ubuntu 16 install and
it also came with LO 5, but it has the same problem.
Can you change both the Menus and Dialog boxes font sizes in your Mint
17.3 installs without using scaling? or, can you change the size of the
Dialog boxes fonts only?

Bruce wrote:
You could download Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa Xfce, install to USB as bootable,
start your PC with this Live CD.  Then open LO to see if the default
setting are OK for you.  If so you could look for the difference in
settings or just reinstall.  On my 2 (default) installs of LM 17.3 Rosa.
Xfce I don't have the small fonts issue ... and I hate small fonts!

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