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On 06/22/2011 04:55 AM, Francois M wrote:
Tom Cloyd<tc<at>>  writes:

I just tried out the form wizard, and got exactly what I is
this the only way to get a subform grid onto a main form? I sure hope
not. Meanwhile, my original form has 5 list boxes on it that I
painstakingly set up. Since I cannot get a subform grid onto that form,
I seem to have to abandon it.

I'm hoping there's a better way out there!

Meanwhile, here's the procedure (again - this should be plain and
obvious, in the documentation, and if it is I haven't seen it):

1. Create main table.
2. Create child (subordinate) table, with field to contain pointer to
key of main table record to which it's to be linked.
3.Use the main menu Tool>  Relationship function to specify the table
4. User the form wizard to set up a table with a subform displayed in a

So simple. Now...I need to also be able to do this manually, for Pete's


Hi Tom,
First a big thanks for your attempt to documenting the list box function!
About forms/subforms, I found out a threat some time ago, that saved my own
(base) life: it was a documented example, very detailed and complete, at least
for my own sake...
a/ I could not retrieve the link to it, but I had it copied within a doc, that I
could make available to you -
b/in French language (do you read some French?).
I hope that pictures could be self-explanatory. If not, I may translate some
portion for you.
Anyway, this link heads to the base example -->
As you may see here, what you are looking for is very much achievable, without
writing a single line of code.
Hope this may help.
Like yourself, I am a fan of this application.
BR   Francois

Je peux lire un peu de français. Je peux obtenir le reste traduits si nécessaire.
Thank you for your kind offer. I would indeed like to look at your 
document. I looked at the base example for which you provided a link, 
and it does give me hope. Thanks for that as well. I know this is a 
terrific database manager, and I also know we have very little else to 
turn to if we are not to program our own interfaces, and I have no time 
for that. So, Base has to get it done for me.
Please send me the document when you are able. I'm eager to look at it. 
Thanks for your help.

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