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I am responding to the first message in this thread because it seems to be relevant to Java-based extensions.

At 09:59 4-11-2011, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
Hi all,

As already mentioned briefly in my talk at LOCon, we need to make up our mind how to handle LO extension dependencies.
Each .oxt extension can carry any number of dependencies, specifying 
conditions that need to be met by the hosting LO installation for 
the extension to be successfully deployable (see 
This page links to 
<>, which returns an 
ERROR 404, so even if an extension developer wanted to document more 
detailed dependencies, they would not know what syntax or elements to 
use in their description.xml file.
I was confronted with this problem just today because a new 
Java-based extension cannot be installed on some Ubuntu systems even 
though it installs without problems on Windows and some other Ubuntu systems.
The extension manager displayed the following error dialog:
( { { Message = "An error occurred while enabling: accessodf-addon.jar", Context = ( @a403870 }, Cause = (any) { ( {{ Message = "", Context = (} @0 } } } }
It turns out that this issue can be solved with
    sudo apt-get install libreoffice-java-common

So I thought about how to document that dependency in description.xml, but I couldn't ... (And libreoffice-java-common or may be rather broad.)
Best regards,


The mechanism was designed to allow for any number of fine-grained dependency specifications ("this extension requires availability of"), but only a coarse-grained ever got defined (and also a maximal-version one). After all, it is hard (or at least tedious) for extension developers to come up with a precise list of features they depend on, which would be needed to specify a precise list of fine-grained dependencies. A single minimal-version dependency appeared so much easier to use.
The dependency worked fine as long as 
OOo was the de-facto standard, with derivatives tracking OOo 
development rather closely and producing new versions in sync with 
upstream OOo. The minimal-version dependency's version value was to 
be interpreted as the version of the underlying OOo reference 
version, so even if a derivative used a different versioning scheme 
everything worked out.  An extension developed for one product could 
also be deployed in a different one (at least in theory; of course 
there are always minor glitches that spoil the picture).
Now, LO and OOo (now AOOo) are no longer in such close relation.  LO 
is heading towards its version 3.5 already while AOOo did not yet 
publish its version 3.4, and new features are routinely added to LO 
that are unlikely to be included into AOOo.  This leads to the following items:
** How shall LO handle the dependency?

Strictly speaking, LO 3.4/3.5 should still check against an value of 3.3, as that's the latest available (A)OOo version. However, for LO 3.4, this check has (probably accidentally) been changed to "3.4" (and with the current code towards LO 3.5 it has yet again changed to "3.5"). I would argue to leave it at "3.4" for both LO 3.4 and LO 3.5. (For one, it can obviously no longer be changed back to "3.3" for LO 3.4, and changing it back to "3.3" for LO 3.5 would probably cause more confusion than its worth. For another, semantically the check will likely be more-or-less correct, matching the features an AOOo 3.4 will presumably come out with.) If no one objects, I will adapt LO 3.5 so that it still checks for "3.4," not "3.5."
In the future, when AOOo releases new versions after AOOo 3.4, we 
would need to check whether it semantically makes sense for LO to 
bump its check (i.e., whether the 
features of that new AOOo version are also available in LO).
** How to specify dependencies for newly introduced LO features?

One option would be to add an additional LibreOffice-minimal-version dependency. Another option would be to actually make use of fine-grained dependencies and introduce them as needed (i.e., whenever an extension developer wants to make use of a new LO feature, a corresponding dependency would have to be added).
The former has as pro its ease of use.  The latter has as pro that 
it shows a way out of the problems caused by and for an opportunity of continued 
sharing of extensions across products:  If each extension only lists 
the features it requires, regardless of any product's version 
numbers, it becomes much easier to match that extension against a 
given product's capabilities, regardless of brand.
I'd tend to give the fine-grained dependencies a try.  That would 
require cooperation from extension developers (they would need to 
voice their demand for dependencies for specific features, and they 
would need to make accurate use of those dependencies in their 
extensions).  To achieve cross-product extension compatibility, it 
would also require some sort of advertising of LO's newly introduced 
fine-grained dependencies (so that other products---where 
possible---would pick them up together with the corresponding 
features), but we would need a place to document any newly 
introduced dependencies, anyway.
What do other people think here?

** What happens when LO 4 becomes incompatible?

In that case, any dependency, regardless of version value, should be considered as not satisfied by LO 4. Similarly, if we did introduce a dependency, any version value of that dependency less than 4 should be considered as not satisfied. On the other hand, treatment of any fine-grained dependencies would have to be handled on a case-by-case basis.

Christophe Strobbe
K.U.Leuven - Dept. of Electrical Engineering - SCD
Research Group on Document Architectures
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 bus 2442
B-3001 Leuven-Heverlee
tel: +32 16 32 85 51
Twitter: @RabelaisA11y
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