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Am 18.11.2011 15:54, schrieb Pedro:

What Office modules/functions does your company use? All? Mainly Write? Do
you use Microsoft formats to exchange documents with other companies? Do you
use Office 2007/2010 Open XML i.e. OOXML formats? Do you produce leaflets in
Draw? Do you use SVG vector art? This kind of information would help in
advising you...
Since we have somewhere between 1.500 and 2.000 users I'd say pretty 
much most of it ;)
Compatibility with MSOOXML is a big thing though, and it was the main 
reason why we started looking at OOo 3.3.0 in the first place. I've 
learned that MS OOXML compatibility was significantly improved with 3.4 
and am going to take a closer look at it now.

Rieke Computersysteme GmbH
Hellerholz 5
D-82061 Neuried

HRB Muenchen 73617

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