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Sorrry again.
I was too fast writing the foregoing letter. After some minutes the English text was displaied again.
It's all rigth now.

Den 05.10.2016 18:22, Kolbjørn Stuestøl skreiv:
Hi Mike (and others).
I translated the English text to Norwegian nynorsk (nn). But it looks like I overwrote the original text. Sorry. Can you fix it so the side displays both the English original and the Norwegian text?

Den 05.10.2016 13:43, Mike Saunders skreiv:

Firstly, thanks to everyone who has contributed translations for our other videos! Great work, really appreciated :-)
I've put online a new video here, encouraging people to get involved 
with the LibreOffice community:

Here is the script, if anyone wants to contribute translations into other languages. Then I will add subtitles on the YouTube one: 


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