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On 15.12.2015 10:16, Armin Le Grand wrote:
Imagine (a) creating a draw doc with one page and placing the SVG as
GraphicObject there, all done. For MultiPage SVGs that should be changed
to create one page per SVG page with the adapted single-page SVGs as
GraphicObject content. That would allow fast conversion, keeping generic
and use a single SVG filter.
the removal of code duplication sounds great!

Due to this situation I would propose to:

- work on changing the SVG importer (a) to creating simple docs with
GraphicObjects containing the SVG as gereric format, not do own SVG
conversion any longer
- put thus created free time in improving/fixing (b)

...What do you think?
i don't claim to know anything about SVG, but i just noticed that
filter/source/svg uses boost::spirit, and therefore i am +1 for removing it.


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