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On 04/14/2011 10:24 PM, drew wrote:
Hi folks,

I would like to ask for a few minutes of your time and to make a
proposal to the community here - for both I just turned the camera on,
it's a ~six minute video.

The doddle poll mentioned can be found here:

There is no wiki page setup, as I write this email, but that will be
done and folks could add items to the agenda.

Thanks again for your time and your consideration,

Drew Jensen
International English - I thought Jeff is working on that for us.  I 
thought they were going to
          start with our work and modify it to match their server 
IRC - have never been able to get it working correctly, maybe setup issues.
          If you know of a good Linux one, I would try again.
          If Windows only, then I will use that one.

I will need exact/detailed setup instructions, since I have never got an IRC working for
          other group's discussions.

Doodle  -  What is their service?  Never heard of this site.

Next Weekend - That is Easter Weekend.
I may be gone for one of two days, most of the days, for family obligations.
         Do we really want to do this on a holiday weekend?

Timezones? What hour of the day/night on the East Coast would translate best for the people on the west coast of NA and SA, plus anyone from Europe?
Product Line - Always a good Idea.

         Do you want the link to the laser "printed" pencils?
         24 single color or 72 random colors unit sizes.
         30 uppercase characters.

Used these for a rail historical group at rail shows, and still use them as handouts
         for [Name and URL versions].

         Same company has military-style "dog-tags" in several colors.
         They have the sporting event "cow-bells" in several colors.

I have use photo mugs to get around the single color text/logo printing that some companies require. Make one image [they call it photo] with
         logo, text, and some images, for a Railroad related mug.

I have a company that does a nice job for embroidered logos on clothing and "ink printing" options as well. Free setup is included for the embroidered logos. I think that is better than a printed option, since it does not wear "down" as quickly as ink printed items [like some of the sweat-shirt and tee-shirt items I have]

----   OTHER STUFF  -------

Did I see a pony-tail? Got rid of mine a few weeks back when I decided I did not want the hair flopping around in my eyes anymore. I use a "straw" hat more than a ball cap. I like my cowboy-style straw hat, but I have a sun-hat style one as well.
Would it be nice to have a green color for our wearable items since the 
DVD and web site is a green style?  That way we would keep the same 
color scheme.  I wear blue shirts for Aktion Club - since it is their 
color; Navy Blue, White, and Gold.  Light blue and/or gold paper is used 
for their brochures.  Light blue for their thank you notes and cards.  
They wanted to use their color scheme whenever it was possible.  We 
could do so as well.

Do you know any figures on how many people now use LibreOffice?

OOo use to keep track of this based on the number of downloads from their site, and the same for Mozilla's browser. It would be nice to be able to state that 100 thousand, or 1 million, etc., people are now using LibreOffice.

The DVD insert
We may need to place the system requirements on the insert sheet[s]. Many packages have it printed on their boxes, but I do not think we should change the back cover panel of the DVD case. Since we should have it listed somewhere, it could be "next to" the instructions on how to use the DVD.
The letter size insert "draft template" I listed
was just to show the idea of margin setup. Using letter paper [or legal] we need to cut it down from 8.5 inches to no more than 7.5 inches, if it is to fit inside of the DVD case. I think it could be between 7 and 7.25 inches so there is room in the case if you do not cut the paper to an exact height. I do not have a good paper cutter, so I do not have an easy way to cut the pages to an exact width.
Do you have access to an inkjet printer that prints directly onto the 
CD/DVD media?  I am going to try and borrow one from a friend for some 
copies.  These printers usually cost about twice as much as the standard 
print/scan/copy ones I buy.

That is all I can think of for discussion in a week or two.

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