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Hi Adriano, *,

Am 13.02.2012 04:56 schrieb Adriano Afonso:

It seems we have a misunderstanding here. I do not make part of the
PT-BR (Brazilian) community, but the PT (Portuguese) community.
I got that, but missed to change the subject ;o))

But as I understood, you need those files translated in Portuguese for
the mailing list system,
Exactly, and after Rogerio told me it might help, to have the pt-br
translations at hand while translating to pt(no -br ;o))) I sent those
to You.

I'm forwarding this mail in CC to the
Portuguese translating team =
By the way Friedrich,  those files include also the footers that Florian
talk about
No they don't. The files attached only contain the "conversation" of the
mailinglist manager. You might simply translate one footer and send it
to me. I'll incorporate it then.
Note that the pattern of the recent footer is the prefered one:
Four lines (well, we had to add a fifth one due to unsubscribe issues we
hope to solve one day) 80 Chars each maximum.
It makes life easier for me, if You add a link to the archive of every
mailing list concerned. So I can check the result easily and won't
forget a list.

And who is administrating the Portuguese mailing list? Can I have
As of now there is no external administration tool so moderating and
give advice with unsubscribe issues is the only thing, You can do for
the moment. This document might help You with this:

By the way:
I was not very happy seeing my tdf mailaddress published to a public
mailinglist by CC-ing it there.

I'm sending a seperate copy of this Mail to the traducao list using
my prefered mailaddress for mailinglists (which I can switch off
in case of heavy spam load).


Thanks for forwarding LibreOffice in Portugal.

Friedrich Strohmaier
- Admin team -
The Document Foundation

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