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       same here -
           I was looking for an easier way to type documents, so I bought
what I called the 'glorified typewriter' [the Apple]

On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 9:01 PM, James Knott <> wrote:

And I bought my first computer (IMSAI 8080) 20 years before he was born!.

anne-ology wrote:

        Anthony you grew up in a world that many folks still have not
entered - some of us started using computers as a convenient type-writer,
some of us started communicating over the BBs with others, with the hope
that we could learn from those who were inventing these electronic
... less than a decade before you were born, some folks were still saying
this industry was a passing fad, following the thinking of those at IBM
Xerox that they had the latest for many years to come ... then things
started to change with each passing day; computers were no longer those
huge machines filling some large room and spilling out stacks of cards,
[have you seen the movie Bridget - it will open your eyes to how things
were before the computer age and has a great scene showing what's supposed
to be a computer filling a room with umpteen flashing lights.]

On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 5:56 PM, Anthony Easthope <
I was mistaken as to which version of MO I learned to use as a 5 year old.

It was MO 2000 not 2003.  I am 16 not 14 also!

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