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Colour need to be changeable as it is now, and if there is a usability
reason behind this, then people can change it. But I don't prefer startup
colour to be default, it should same colour lighter version.

They have not changed colours much from 2007 to 2010 (blue is little
lighter, and default is now grey theme):
2007 themes:
2010 themes:

2010/12/8 Ivan M. <>

Hi Christoph, all,

On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 11:22 AM, Christoph Noack <>
But, Andrew, concerning your proposal: I'd like to discuss your idea
again ... in a few weeks, once LibO 3.3 is released (and thus, some
people have a bit more time). I prepared a mail some days ago to ask the
development to work with us to harmonize much of the branding stuff and
to bring some "fresh" air into LibO. This is based on what I've seen in
the past, e.g.:
Ivan, do you remember? :-)
Of course :). I found it interesting that Word 2010 has gone back to a
(light) gray background after the more branded blue background in the
2007 version (compare [1] and [2]). I wonder if there was a usability
reason behind this?

It might be better to allow users to set a specific color for the
background, but have a subtle branded option by default? In any case,
a nice drop-shadow effect to surround the page as Hillar suggested
would do a lot to modernise the appearance of LibO.



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