2015-02-16 11:57 GMT+01:00 Tom Davies <tomcecf@gmail.com>:
Hi :)
On Ubuntu i have to install Base separately. I'm not sure what happened
when i installed the official one from the LibreOffice website. Can't
quite remember that far back tbh. When i use a package-manager to isntall
the default one in the repos i can select all sorts of components and maybe
Extensions and stuff. I thought it was the same for all Linux, especially
for 'Ubuntu clones'? (although i think it's been a loooong time since Mint
could be claimed to be that)
I thought the Windows version had pretty much everything all in one
package (and the the help files in a separate bundle)? Then the Linux, Bsd
and Mac version allowed a bit more finesse?
I still don't know where to get Base from as i was fairly convinced it was
included in the main Windows install automatically.
Regards from
Tom :)
As you know, Tom, Linux Mint is a fork of Ubuntu, so generally speaking,
that which applies to the latter applies, *ceteribus paribus*, to the
former. Could you tell me just *how* you managed to install Base on Ubuntu
On 15 February 2015 at 12:03, M Henri Day <mhenriday@gmail.com> wrote:
2015-02-15 2:21 GMT+01:00 pranzar <davekidd@gmail.com>:
Hello, thanks for the help.
I have Java 8 installed and it's being detected in Tools-Options as you
I tried launching it directly (not via the startup screen) and there
appear to be any executable for it - only scalc.exe and swriter.exe
It seems that Base, Impress, Draw and Math are not installed with the
installer? Do I need to get them from somewhere else?
on my (64-bit) Linux Mint 17.1 machine, I can open Writer, Calc, Impress,
Draw, and Math with no problem, but klicking on Base does nothing at all ;
the service simply doesn't launch. On my (64-bit) Windows 8.1 machine,
however, Base launches just as it should. How can I get it to do so on my
Linux box, which is the one I generally use ?...
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