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On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 12:33:05AM -0800, Libreoffice Gerrit user wrote:
    disable odk if not explicitly requested and doxygen not in PATH
    if odk is not explicitly requested by --enable-odk
    and --with-doxygen is "yes" , i.e not a specific location
    and doxygen could not be found in the PATH
    then enable_odk is set to "no" as a default value
    rather than an implicit 'yes'
Can we please stop this "auto-deect-everything-and-disable-stuff-silently"

Imagine the following scenario.

Default build without doxygen but *with* the SDK. (e.g. binary-only builds).
The Debian buildds won't install doxygen because it's only needed for
arch-indep stuff (and the arch-dep part uses -without-doxygen). So  the
binary-only build will see no doxygen -> builds no SDK -> bad.

With that change above, you will not get any SDK built thus either
breaking the build (case here) or get a empty SDK package.

There *IS* already -without-doxygen for people who want the SDK but
not doxygen.

(NB: Didn't test-build that yet so maybe --enable-odk --disable-doxygen
still works, but that's not against my point.)

Oh, and it wozld make more sense to get such changes reviewed by Linux
people or distro packjagers who heavily rely on configure switches in
their packaging...




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