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Hello world

        + Late features:
            + separating images and icons for help modules (Olivier, Bubli)
                + still waiting for Olivier's sample string change to write
the script. + we need to see the impact on translators.
I'm slightly reluctant to make this 5.3 late feature, not because of the 
impact on translations (which I clarified in another e-mail to Cloph & Olivier) 
but because of the impact on how help is packaged on all 3 platforms for TDF 
builds and Linux distributions.

For complete separation, every offline help package will now need to come with 
extra zip archive with images. This is a non-trivial change and I don't think 
it's fair to expect distro packagers to do that kind of work this late in the 

For partial separation, a zip archive with help images can be shipped along 
with icon themes. The only difference is that the images (misc illustrations 
and new screenshots) will have moved from core to help git repository. This is 
presumably less work for the packagers, but it adds some load still ... 


Katarina Behrens

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