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Hello Vincent,

On Fri, 2011-12-16 at 18:24 -0600, Vincent Povirk wrote:
I'm working for CodeWeavers on a project that uses accessibility API's
(specifically at-spi 2) to manipulate text fields. I cannot publicly
disclose the exact nature of this project before its release, though
it may be possible to provide access to this project for selected
Welcome to the LibreOffice project! It's good to see people hacking
around accessibility.

I would like to get my patch (or some other fix if mine turns out to
be wrong) into libreoffice and, if possible, cherry-picked into
libreoffice 3.5 so that the project I'm working on can function
properly with Writer in Ubuntu 12.04 without requiring a special
Your patch looks OK to me and isn't likely to break something else than
accessibility. I pushed it to both master and libreoffice-3-5 branches.

I believe the fix to be low risk (as accessibility methods
manipulating the selection/cursor seem to be rarely used, to my
knowledge they have never worked correctly, and my patch only has an
effect when those methods are called) and low importance (to most
people) for the same reasons. However, getting it into 3.5 is very
important to us.
Then it's done. Feel free to submit more patches around accessibility
like this one.

I do not currently have a test case. Unfortunately, accerciser is not
able to call selection methods, apparently because of bugs in the
python library it uses to interact with at-spi (?!). I hope to have a
small C program written that can reproduce this soon.
In general, if you have some hints or tools to help us check for
accessibility API correctness, it would be useful.

Thanks again for your help and keep such good patches :D



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