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I have a problem with the way SUM works. At first I thought this was a bug, but then I saw Numbers on my iPad doing the same thing, so now I believe this is by design, but I have no idea why and how I can work around this.
Take a look at this example:

The number format is currency (Polish Zloty), the numbers in the left column are entered by hand, the ones in the right one are calculated by multiplying the left number by 1,22.
The sum of the numbers in the right-hand column should be -1199,62, but 
it is off by 0,02 zł. It's pretty obvious this is because the program 
sums the numbers it has in memory and not the ones it displays.
If this behaviour is correct, how can I work around this? I just spent 
40 minutes trying to find out why my balance is wrong only to find out 
the sums I was doing were giving me incorrect amounts :/


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