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Well, Python/Java are ~7% of LOC in LibreOffice core repo, and less then 2%(?)
of the shipped core product.
But if I want to make an executable within the IDE, or debug e.g. some of the unit test I still 
need it.

One of the hard points for new people is actually to be able to debug unit tests.

The simple use case, of being able to develop/build/debug within the
IDE....especially debugging is important. setting breakpoints on the lines
and viewing variables is what students learn todo.
Thats already possible with existing IDE integrations. 
At least not in the Xcode integration.

for a couple of reasons (which might apply to windows as well, will test that later):
- the debugger cannot run, it has not main executable.
- make and Xcode puts objects in different places.
- Also it is important to see the relationship between modules (especially when searching for 

Students want to do all development within the IDE, and I do not see why it should be impossible.
"All development within the IDE" (including breakpoints and debugging) is already
the status quo.

I might be doing something wrong, but I have until and including today, not being able to 1/ set a 
breakpoint 2/ press debug 3/ stop at the breakpoint, neither in windows nor in Xcode.

1/ LibreOffice core development (in C++) as described above is already covered
  by existing solutions.
See above, right now the Xcode-ide-integration has another problem:
Jans-iMac:work jani$ make xcode-ide-integration
make -j 8 -rs -f /Volumes/LIBREOFFICE/play/core/Makefile.gbuild gbuildtojson
cd /Volumes/LIBREOFFICE/play/core && /Volumes/LIBREOFFICE/play/core/bin/gbuild-to-ide --ide xcode 
--make make
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Volumes/LIBREOFFICE/play/core/bin/gbuild-to-ide", line 1651, in <module>
    gbuildparser = GbuildParser(args.makecmd).parse()
  File "/Volumes/LIBREOFFICE/play/core/bin/gbuild-to-ide", line 180, in parse
    lib = self.__lib_from_json(json.load(f))
  File "/Volumes/LIBREOFFICE/play/core/bin/gbuild-to-ide", line 131, in __lib_from_json
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
Makefile:413: recipe for target 'xcode-ide-integration' failed
make: *** [xcode-ide-integration] Error 1

which I will investigate and patch.

2/ Python/Java non-core development support is somewhat lacking. But the
  solution there is not fiddling around with gbuild -- rather rewriting the
  LibreOffice SDK ( and make it
  trivial to install and use. C++ isnt a priority for that[1].
We should not be fiddling with the gbuild system, I never suggested that.

But you forget that we have many unit tests written in Java and python, which we ask new people to 
debug when they have problems.

Also note for 1/ we really, really only want _one_ build system. The _current_
plethora of build configurations and platforms is already an major factor in
slowing down development and we really, really dont want to want to add more
"diversity" or TIMTOWTDI there[3].
I politely disagree here. we have 1 master build system and that is gbuild, but I cannot see 
anything hindering, that we use the ONE build system, to generate e.g. a IDE build system.

I never suggested, and will not suggest to have a second build system as master.

So again: What usecase that isnt covered by existing solutions are you looking
Simply put, to be able to debug in the IDE, make simple changes, run again and see the effect, 
which I still have not been able to do.

jan i.


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