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Let me finish a few things first, then I will send to you an archive of 
my work.
Do you have any preferred format?  Zip, 7z, etc.?
I may just place it on one of my domains and give you the link.
Be quicker for download then and also the others could have
access to it if needed.

I have a number of odds and ends to finish on this plus
some other stuff that I need to do before hand.  So it may
be Wed or Thurs before I send the link or email to you.
If I have not sent it by Thurs evening, REMIND me please.
I am going to be dealing with my wife's nursing facility for
the next few hours, so I may forget.

On 02/15/2011 11:45 AM, drew wrote:
Alright - well for the moment what I am doing then is this - the latest
de box image is coming done to my machine via bt as I write this.

I'm out and about for a bit this afternoon, so this will be done when I
get back.

I can help here also, if you tell me what pages you want, but have not
had a chance to translate I can do that.

If you could help me - if you would take the html files you have
finished with and just put them in an archive and send to my direct
email address.

You don't have to worry about changes from the box distribution, since
this is your own community distro (even if only used hand to hand)

I'll go ahead and look any branding issues and fix-up anything as needed
and get that back to you (likely only one or two logo files I send you,
and all you need is to search and replace in the html files)

If that sounds like a plan to you, it does to me.

Happy to help,


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