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--- Comment #27 from V Stuart Foote <> ---
(In reply to Robert R. Howell from comment #26)
... doesn't work in practice for most users because
it breaks other software packages which rely on pstoedit.  
Well on OS X or Windows that is not an issue--pstoedit is not routinely
installed (nor is Imagemagick, nor ghostscript). And, few Linux distros bundle
pstoedit by default. So, which other software (on Linux) do you perceive as
pstoedit dependent?  But guess if one has to have it for something substantive,
might not be viable to hide it from path.

... If there's a way
to just remove it from the LibreOffice path could you let me know?  But that
still is a much more obscure fix for most users than simply providing an
option to explicitly set the renderer preference.
No, your suggested environment approach would be the only way to toggle between
WMF/EMF vector previews via pstoedit and "native" BMP rasters via Ghostscript
or Imagemagick convert.

Personally, the pstoedit EMF vector previews in LibreOffice are of such low
quality, I'd prefer elimination of the RenderAsEMF methods [1] until a better
option for vector previews can be implemented.


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