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Nuno J. Silva wrote:
It's still a weird way to describe it. Encryption itself has a
key/password. So this means the document has *two* passwords? One for
non-encrypted password "protection" (it's as much real protection as
ROT26), and other for the encryption?

Password prompt shows only once in Excel. How does it looks deeper - I don't

Nuno J. Silva wrote:
So it also affects docx? I'd suggest updating the bug report summary to
reflect that :-)

If you can make an example document, attach it to the report. I guess
the only way to create one is using Microsoft Office itself?

I made some tests with protecting MSO files. There is (AFAIK) two ways to
encrypt files in Excel/Word 07 :
1.  MS Button -> Prepare -> Encrypt Document
2. Save as -> Tools -> General options -> Password to open --> Save
In both, when I created a test file on my own, always it could be opened by
So, the issue is caused by another thing in MSO. In addition, SP2 for Office
changed something in encryption. I had already deal with this.

Another thing I spotted is difference in the EncryptionInfo file contained
in xlsx pack. 

I also attached files to bug report. 
Hope this help. 


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