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On Tue, Mar 07, 2017 at 02:58:31PM +0200, Noel Grandin wrote:
I can't see how that would flush out any bugs.
E.g. In a local debug build I added metadata on where a VclPtr was created (via
__FILE__, __LINE__) so that I could learn where they were leaked from without
hunting them down individually in the debugger.

What is more likely to flush out bugs (and what would make sberg very
happy), would be to remove the current auto-conversion-to-T* operator, since
that would make explicit the places where we are passing around raw pointers
instead of VclPtr<T>
Yeah. :/

But in the end dont we want to have it locked down both ways: no VclPtr to raw*
conversion, nor the opposite? Likely were one happens, the other will happen too.

Anyway, not something I have too strong emotions about, just wanted to know, if
anyone cares before I throw away the branch.




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