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Hi Jenei,

On Wed, 2011-07-27 at 20:49 +0200, Jenei Gábor wrote:
Could you tell me if the first easyHack mentioned in the subject is
still alive? Because for me it seems to be already resolved in version
3.5(However in 3.4 it can be seen). And as for the second hack, could
someone tell me if it is alive? And where can I find the source code
that does PDF export? If the second one is alive I would try to resolve it.
        Well - if you can build master you can see if the bug is fixed or
not :-) otherwise, if the bug is still open - I'd assume it is not taken
- so ! go for it :-)

        Where hybrid PDF export lives, I don't know a quick grep for hybrid:

        $ ./g grep -i hybrid

        shows import here:

        some hints from the translations that: filter/source/pdf would be a
good place to poke.


--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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