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I think there is no need to become harsh here. 

I for myself am using LibreOffice for as long as it exists, and before that OpenOffice. Rather 
recently I 'found' this list when I had a problem with LibreOffice and I was really happy with the 
help I got. I was on aware of the other lists before this whole discussion came around. And yes, I 
am subscribed to some other lists now!

So, the posting, although strictly not for this list, had its value (at least for me).

Wouldn't it be a good idea to reference a page with all lists in the standard footer on the mails 
from the list.
Also, one could argue that anyone on any list is probably also interested in the announce list, so, 
we could also prompt (or add) people to that list automatically apon subscribing to any other list. 
Just a thought :-)

Best regards,


Op 15 aug. 2014, om 07:23 heeft Brian Barker het volgende geschreven:

At 12:32 14/08/2014 +0200, Paul Steyn wrote:
Just a lone voice, but as Tom pointed out, I am only on this list, and not on either the discuss 
or announce lists.
If you want to see those messages, please subscribe to those lists. If you don't, don't. If you 
want to borrow books, join the library; don't expect others to borrow them for you.

At 12:37 14/08/2014 +0200, Rob Jasper wrote:
Agree, same here
I'm sure the other lists would welcome you too. If you like concerts, join the concert hall 
mailing list.

At 17:34 14/08/2014 +0200, John Herron wrote:
Concur! A conference or convention announcement is certainly not as disruptive as some of the 
other off-topic conversations bloating this list... Just my 2 cents.
I'm currently preparing a list of other mailing lists whose messages I can "helpfully" forward to 
this list. Let's see, now: bird-spotting, bee-keeping, ...

Brian Barker  

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