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On 01/02/2012 04:40 PM, Olivier Hallot wrote:
I stumbled on this piece of code in


There must be a finesse in lines 326, 330, and so on that I missed

Any advise welcome, or I will rip off the ternary operator.
note the leading commas in the !isEmpty() cases




static OString getFieldAccess(RTFieldAccess fieldAccess)
     318 {
     319     OString ret;
     320     if ( (fieldAccess&  RT_ACCESS_INVALID) == RT_ACCESS_INVALID )
     321     {
     322         ret += OString("INVALID");
     323     }
     324     if ( (fieldAccess&  RT_ACCESS_READONLY) == RT_ACCESS_READONLY )
     325     {
     326         ret += OString(ret.getLength()>  0 ? ",READONLY" :
     327     }
     328     if ( (fieldAccess&  RT_ACCESS_OPTIONAL) == RT_ACCESS_OPTIONAL )
     329     {
     330         ret += OString(ret.getLength()>  0 ? ",OPTIONAL" :


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