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On 06/21/2011 03:00 AM, Florian Effenberger wrote:

drew wrote on 2011-06-20 22.09:

Well, it seems to me that the action item I had from May was to explore
how much work (or of a hassle) this would be.

 From Florian's responses I would say - a good bit.

That and given the fact there really does not seem to be consensus on
this at the moment I propose we table the idea till the next meeting.

Right now there are other more pressing uses of our time and energies,
it requires a few hours of time for me, but that wouldn't be the 
problem. I am just curious to hear the reasons. We discussed rather 
lenghty on why to have "us". I see you feel a need, but how do we 
organize things? How can we avoid having splitted mailing lists? I 
don't want to end up with, based on the German example, having "de", 
"bavaria", "allgaeu" and "schwaben", where two of these will vanish 
some day, and all is just cluttered.
If there is a compelling reason, I am happy to do the change, but 
still I do not understand why "northamerican" is so much better than 
"us". Or, why did you then want to have a specific "us" list in the 
Hello Florian;

I wasn't a part of the discussions in the beginning which came up with 'us' so, I can't speak to that. Also, I don't have any experience with naming issues so, it was enlightening to note your example of Germany. Thanks for that.
My understanding as to why the naming issue arose centers on a slight 
confusion over our market definition and started making itself felt with 
the decision to include the French and Spanish languages on, and 
subsequent naming of, the 'NA-DVD'.  (Anything representing itself as 
'North American' should, as a minimum, refer to Canada, the US and Mexico.)
Having said all this, if:
1) this marketing group's market is defined as "the United States and Canada" and
2) our Canadian brethren are satisfied with having junior partner standing

then we have a well-enough defined market and name and can successfully run with them both as they are right now. We're done.
If this marketing group's market is defined as North American, then we 
should change the group's name to 'na'.  This would reflect the fact 
that North America is, depending on how you define it, comprised of 
anywhere from 3 to 23 countries.  Not doing so would be a mistake on a 
number of levels.
I believe that staying with 'us', as the market definition and name, is 
the best choice for the foreseeable future.  I believe that, as other 
North American countries make themselves heard w/in TDF and the 
LibreOffice project, it will become clearer whether any adjustments are 
hope this helps,

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