On 21/12/10 19:16, Octavio Alvarez wrote:
On Mon, 20 Dec 2010 02:06:01 -0800, Caolán McNamara <caolanm@redhat.com>
On Sun, 2010-12-19 at 01:16 +0000, Wols Lists wrote:
Note that I'm not used to bullets etc BUT. In WordPerfect when you
select text and format it it puts on/off markers round the text.
"end" takes you PAST those markers. So you *have* just told it to go
back to the defaults!
The equivalent in writer was originally to press the right arrow when
you are already at the end of the line. I see that this is still
documented as such in help, but was changed long ago to be ctrl+shift+x
Technically, that doesn't make it "move past the ending marker", but
"removes the direct character formatting" (at least according to
Tools » Customize)
To move past the last ending marker (there might be more than one) we
need to set the current character style to "Default" instead of simply
removing hard format.
I would have expected this to break after commit 985b180a2 on
libreoffice/writer, but looks like it detects it and it actually applies
Default instead if the cursor is at the end of the paragraph.
Interestingly enough, this does not happen at the beginning of the
paragraph. Should it? (Even if you manually set Default, it doesn't
I'm not expecting anybody to take this and run with it, but ...
My main reason originally for being interested with LibreOffice was "can
I add an editing window like WordPerfect Reveal Codes?". Because without
*that* you will find it very hard to win over the WordPerfect fanatics.
Seeing as LO is based on XML as the document format it should be easy -
all "reveal codes" is is a window with text and all the markup visible.
But the crucial point is that it is an *editing* window. I remember
talking with someone (can't remember his name) on LWN a fair bit about
WordPerfect, and he thought emulating reveal codes would be simple
*until* I said "without the edit functionality it's a waste of space".
Microsoft made that mistake.
And of course, with that, all these particular problems would
"disappear" :-)
But I've got interested in Base now, so I suspect that itch won't get
scratched by me now. Pity :-(
- Re: [Libreoffice] [PATCH] sw: reset num level on SplitNode if parent is outline. (continued)
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