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upscope wrote:
Can you install both at same time?

I would like to test 3.4.0 to see if any of the calc problems I have
with 3.3.2 are fixed.
I have a possible work-around.  You can use the portable version
called LibreOfficePortable.  It is available from
It looks like they haven't released a 3.4.x version yet (as of
2011/06/13), I suspect they may be waiting for the 3.4.1 release or
something.  However, the 3.3.2 version is available.
LibreOfficePortable does not have any registry entries, all of its
required components are stored in the "installation" folder.  It is
meant to run off flash drives (and not to leave a trace on the local
machine), but works well off the hard drive too.  LibreOffice Portable
is packaged for portable use with permission from The Document
Foundation.  So, my suggestion is as follows:

Download and *run* LibreOfficePortable 3.3.2 (I guess it's not
technically correct to say "install", as it actually just extracts the
required files).
Copy your user settings to LibreOfficePortable (instructions are here
Don't worry, it's not difficult.  It's just a one folder copy, I
Download LibreOffice 3.4.0 (as from the LibreOffice website
Install LIbreOffice 3.4.0

Now, your computer has LibreOffice 3.4.0 installed, but it also has
LibreOfficePortable 3.3.2.  If you get issues with LibO 3.4.0 you can
just close it and open the portable version.  Unfortunately, this
means you have to download 2 versions, which is probably not ideal.

I haven't tried the suggestion mentioned in the wiki (as Cor Nouws
mentioned, available at, this is
just an additional suggestion.


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