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Hi Marc,

On Thu, 2011-05-12 at 09:35 -0400, Marc Paré wrote:
Could we, all, please take a close look at the information on the 
Release Notes 3.4  wiki page[1] to make sure that the information is 
complete and correct ?
        Completeness is hard :-) but I poked a number of people last week to
add their details there. One key thing I would like to get right in our
3.4 promotion is crediting the people (particularly volunteers) involved
in each feature - hence the names there.

        How is the 3.4 page coming along ? clearly we had huge bus-loads of
new-features in 3.3 (at least new to OO.o users), and 3.4 has a danger
of looking less significant against that (I suppose) - that's a good one
for marketing to deal with.

        On the other side, I think a developers' view / timeline of what has
changed, and our progress and where we're going would be good to have
for the 3.4 release as well; there are things like - improved build
infrastructure (and so on) that are not so visible in 

        Of course - finally, those are only features that -we- have worked on;
Oracle contributed a lot too cf.

        Which we should no doubt mention (with suitable crediting) - though be
careful of the calc feature overlap, where Kohei had to re-implement a
number of pieces.



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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