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Hello Charles,

Am 23.01.2016 um 21:47 schrieb Charles-H. Schulz:
Hello Andreas,

Andreas Mantke <> @ 2016-01-23 11:05 CET:


I'm afraid we could only start with further steps once we got enough
volunteers to test the current development status.

There is self-registration opened since some weeks. It's also possible
to create and play with content on the test website, but nobody has
given the new site a try up to now.
We cannot force people to test the platform :-) So we may want to go ahead
with the tendering process and make sure tests are included in the migration
tender. Does it make sense?
although we cannot force people to test, we need some tests from
possible contributors and not from migration professionals first. We
need to know, if there is nothing wrong in the work flow from a users
perspective and if there are no (minor) bugs.
It's important to have a qa of the current forms and work flow before we
go ahead. If there is no interest to work on such tests I have some
issues with the conclusion of a huge demand in website improvements.

Once we made the necessary tests we could tender the migration, because
we know the connection of the old and the new content objects (and their
fields) then. The tests shouldn't take too much time. If we have a few
volunteers we could manage this maybe in a week or so. It's not a huge
effort. It's not like testing an office application ;-)


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