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On 16/04/12 16:54, Lubos Lunak wrote:

 could somebody more knowledgeable of Writer internals please review this?

 While working on support for stacking order in the .docx filter, I found out 
that setting z-order for an image using UNO and later trying to retrieve the 
value fails. The attached sw.patch fixes that for me, and I checked that .odt 
export/import (which uses it too) still works. But I have no idea what the 
difference actually is, besides making reading use the same value like 
after looking at it for a while, i get the impression that the
FindRealSdrObject method will, for a fly frame, return a
SwVirtFlyDrawObj, while the FindSdrObject returns always a SwFlyDrawObj.
 the SwVirtFlyDrawObj appears to be created in the layout code and
refers to a SwFlyDrawObj, so it looks like it is part of the View, and
there could me more than one instance for a SwFlyDrawObj because there
could be more than one View, and also (i guess that's what you're
seeing) during import there will probably be zero instances given there
isn't a view.

so i don't really understand why FindRealSdrObject is called there in
the first place, and would think your change is worth trying :)


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