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Hi :)
There are quite a few recent threads about this that might be worth exploring

I think it's easier to just try these 3 ways of getting a solid line all the way across the 
document.  Just do 3 characters of either -  ~  or  =  like this

1.   --- 
2.   ~~~
3.   ===

Each produces a different type of line and one of them might not be what you would expect.  I think 
you can "undo" (Ctrl z) if you don't like one of them.  Then you can try another.  Also it is 
possible to create any sort of fancy line you like in Draw and then paste that into Writer.  That 
way gives you much more flexibility as well as  freedom to design.  

It's a bit of a pain the thing has vanished from the menu.  There seem to have been a few things 
like that lately.  Hopefully there is a plan to do a better, more elegant implementation fairly 
soon but until then we just have to figure out work-arounds.  

A lot of the code is still based on very ancient code and getting LibreOffice smoother, faster and 
more modern might well involve shaking things up a bit from time-to-time.  Many people stick with 
older versions "for production use" because then they get less surprises.  On the other hand they 
also miss out on interesting innovations and the improving compatibility with the ever-changing MS 
formats.  So, a lot of people get more recent versions of LO asap in order to test-drive the newer 
versions alongside their "production version".  I usually have one machine that i upgrade a lot 
more often but then leave all my colleagues on an older version.  
Apols and regards from 
Tom :)  

From: April Preston <>
To: "" <> 
Sent: Friday, 5 July 2013, 3:47
Subject: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice Writer 4.- Where's my horizontal line?


My question may seem trivial but I am looking for the horizontal line that I had in the 3.6 
version but cannot find in the 4. version.  It is a horizontal line within the header.  I 
understand now I am to go to Format, then Page, then select the Header tab, then the button that 
says More. When I get there I don’t see a choice
 for just a horizontal line; just outside borders and no bottom border.  The selection appears to 
be much more limited as well.  So if I want my horizontal line in the header back must I uninstall 
LibreOffice 4 and reinstall 3.6 or is it hidden somewhere?
Thanks much,

April Preston
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