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Hi :)
Sorry I can't help with this problem.

Can you create a back-up (ie just a copy) of the ascii file?  Do you have
an older copy of the ascii file and if so does that still open correctly?
Hmmm, approx what file-size?  Gb, Mb or kb?  Has the size changed
drastically recently?  Can you right click and open with gedit or whichever
text-editor you favour?  If so don't save, just close or quit.  It's a good
idea to avoid touching the back-up with anything jic poking around does
something odd - then you still have access to the untouched copy.

Does it contain confidential information (such as names, addresses or such
like)?  My guess would be "yes" so uploading it to Nabble or anything is
prolly unfeasable.

It might be worth seeing if Gnumeric can handle the file better.  Gnumeric
is a dedicated spreadsheet program so sometimes it's a bit more focussed on
just dealing with spreadsheets better.

There are memory options in LibreOffice which can be drastically bumped up
to handle much larger file-sizes.
Tools - Options - General   ?

Sorry I'm not really helping here!  Still trying to waggle the wires to see
if something gets dislodged or falls into place.
Apols and regards from
a Tom :)

On Fri, 30 Mar 2018 20:40 John R. Sowden, <>

version  xubuntu 16.04 LTS  1 GB RAM 5.5 GB available disk space


On 03/30/2018 09:26 AM, John R. Sowden wrote:
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

LO version uk, updated about 6 mo ago, I believe

(I tried to open a smaller SS but I got a full gray screen, no menu
bar, only title and close box.  After 5 min I closed it

Note this does not happen when I open SS files only.  Only iof I am
trting to edit this ascii file.  When I click on a cell, it takes
about 5 min for the cursor to move to that cell even if it is only a
few cells away.

On 03/30/2018 06:54 AM, jorge Rodríguez wrote:
Hi John and all:

        Would you please tell us to the e-mail list what kind of
Operative System do you have and the LibreOffice version do you use ?


Jorge Rodríguez

El 29/03/2018 a las 23:49, John R. Sowden escribió:
I read in a ascii database into calc. It is taking 97-98% of the cpu
resource per htop, yet nothing is happening.  I move the cursor to a
cell, big gray box, sits ther for > 15 minutes, yet I can move the
window, play freecell, et. with no problem.  It seems the slowness
is in LO, not the system at large.



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