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aqualung wrote:

"Registering" means of course, entries in the registry which, when a file
such as .odt or .ods is clicked, opens whatever program has been
to open it. Depending on where in the REgstry these program-choosings lie,
and which it comes to first, and with both LO and OOo iinstalled to take
same file extensions, it's a crap shoot AFAIK which one wiil be seen
and used to open that file.
It should not be the case, ever, that both LibO and OOo are registered for
the same file extensions. If that happens (if it is even possible at all),
then someone has messed up somewhere.
I believe there may be some slight issues due to the fact that both
LibO and OOo have the same process name (soffice.exe).  I vaguely
remember hearing/reading that Windows gets slightly confused in the
"Open with..." dialogue, in that it doesn't "remember" the default
correctly when you try to change it.  But like I said, I don't
remember the details very well.

You could download LibreOfficePortable
(  It doesn't involve any
registry entries as it is made to run from a flash-disk (all the
"settings" are contained in sub folders rather than the registry).
Version 3.3.2 is available.


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