On 13/12/10 10:57, David Nelson wrote:
Personally, I like the idea of editing the help on the wiki rather than offline.
But could the problem be solved by creating a user group on the wiki and
only allowing editing rights for that group's users? Then we could add selected
devs, i10n and docs people to that group?
Am I right, most of this stuff is going to be reviewed anyway?
So lock all the main pages, but have the discussion pages freely
editable. They might get spammed :-( but the reviewers can be notified
regularly of new discussion pages, then they read the discussion, edit
anything suitable into the master page, and delete the discussion.
That way, contribution is open to all, the master quality is maintained,
and we have an automated workflow of sorts where the maintainers are
automatically appraised of new content.
- Re: [Libreoffice] LibreOffice WikiHelp (continued)
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