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Jabref can solve your problem, I think. 
It's stores your bibliography in bib files like Zotero, it's crossplatform and 
essy to use. It's integrated to LO by plugin, you can download at their page.


Fabián Rodríguez <>
Monday 25 April 2011

I'd like to know if there are any current LibreOffice users that have
exported/imported data from/to Zotero, EndNote, Scribe3 or Mendeley.
What is your current experience with this ?

I have gotten a few questions about data migration and compatility with
the above, specially EndNote - but know next to nothing about them. I'd
appreciate any pointers to current experiences - I'll hopefully be able
to document something about it sooner than later.

A little more about them

Zotero is a free (under GPL), easy-to-use tool to help you collect,
organize, cite, and share your research sources. It lives right where
you do your work—in the web browser itself.

Zotero/LibO plugin:

Scribe is a free ( Mac/Windows-only , not freely licensed,but rather
"freeware" AFAIK) cross-platform note-taking program designed especially
with historians in mind. Think of it as the next step in the evolution
of traditional 3x5 note cards. Scribe allows you to manage your research
notes, quotes, thoughts, contacts, published and archival sources,
digital images, outlines, timelines, and glossary entries. You can
create, organize, index, search, link, and cross-reference your note and
source cards. You can assemble, print, and export bibliographies, copy
formatted references to clipboard, and import sources from online catalogs.

(non-free software)

Mendeley is a free (not freely-licensed) reference manager and academic
social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate
with others online, and discover the latest research.

    Automatically generate bibliographies
    Collaborate easily with other researchers online
    Easily import papers from other research software
    Find relevant papers based on what you’re reading
    Access your papers from anywhere online
    Read papers on the go, with our new iPhone app

Non-freely licensed, free/paid versions available for Win, Mac, Linux


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